Project:Create a Tic-Tac-Toe game using react

Project:Create a Tic-Tac-Toe game using react

Reactjs series from beginner to advanced levels ep8

What is a Tic-Tac-Toe game

Tic-tac-toe is a simple game that is often played by children. The game is played on a 3x3 grid and each cell in the grid can be empty, contain an "X" or contain an "O". Players take turns placing their X or O in an empty cell, with the goal of getting three of their X or O in a row, either horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. If all of the cells are filled and no player has three in a row, the game is a tie. It is a game of strategy and skill and can be played with paper and pen or on a computer.

I have created a tictactoe game purely for practice purposes: You can have a look at this game and try adding the following feature:

  1. For the current move only, show “You are at move #…” instead of a button

  2. Rewrite Board to use two loops to make the squares instead of hardcoding them.

  3. Add a toggle button that lets you sort the moves in either ascending or descending order.

  4. When someone wins, highlight the three squares that caused the win (and when no one wins, display a message about the result being a draw).

  5. Display the location for each move in the format (col, row) in the move history list.

Personally, I will continue to work on this game by adding the following features:

  1. Game reset: A button or option to reset the game board and start a new game.

  2. Score tracking: A way to keep track of the number of wins for each player.

  3. Difficulty level: Different levels of difficulty to make the game more challenging.

  4. Timer: A timer that keeps track of the time taken to finish a game.

  5. Sound effects: Sound effects to enhance the gaming experience.

  6. Animation: Animations to indicate the current player's move.

  7. Multiplayer mode: Allow players to play the game remotely over the internet.

  8. AI opponent: An artificial intelligence opponent that can play against the user.

  9. Game rules: Help or instructions on how to play the game.

  10. Mobile-responsive design: Make the game look good on different screen sizes and devices.

  11. Game history: Keep track of the previous games played.

  12. Customizable game settings: Allow players to change the game settings according to their preferences.

The game source code can be found at: