Learn and Practice Web Design: Top 20 YouTube Channels You Need to Follow

Learn and Practice Web Design: Top 20 YouTube Channels You Need to Follow

Unlock Your Web Design Potential: Discover the Best YouTube Channels to Learn and Hone Your Skills

When it comes to learning web design, YouTube has become an invaluable resource. With a wide range of channels dedicated to teaching and demonstrating web design concepts, you can find tutorials, tips, and inspiration to enhance your skills. In this blog post, we'll explore the top 20 YouTube channels that provide excellent content for learning and practicing web design.

Traversy Media

Traversy Media, hosted by Brad Traversy, offers in-depth tutorials on web development, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, frameworks, and more. The channel provides practical coding examples and projects to strengthen your skills.

The Net Ninja

The Net Ninja, led by Shaun Pelling, covers web development, including front-end and back-end technologies. With concise and easy-to-follow tutorials, you can learn HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and popular frameworks like React and Node.js.


freeCodeCamp offers an extensive collection of web development tutorials, coding challenges, and real-life projects. Their videos cover a wide range of topics, from beginner to advanced, making them a go-to resource for learning web design.

Dev Ed

Dev Ed, hosted by Eduard, provides practical web design tutorials and tips. From UI/UX design to HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, this channel offers creative approaches to learning and implementing web design concepts.

Kevin Powell

Kevin Powell's channel focuses on CSS and front-end development. With tutorials, challenges, and discussions, Kevin provides valuable insights to help you improve your CSS skills and create stunning designs.


DesignCourse, hosted by Gary Simon, offers design-related tutorials and tips. From UI/UX design to graphic design and web development, this channel covers a broad range of topics, making it a valuable resource for web designers.

The Coding Train

The Coding Train, hosted by Daniel Shiffman, explores creative coding, interactive art, and web development. With a focus on JavaScript, this channel combines coding tutorials with fun and engaging projects.

Envato Tuts+

Envato Tuts+ is a renowned YouTube channel dedicated to providing high-quality tutorials and educational content for various creative disciplines. With a focus on web design, graphic design, coding, photography, and more, this channel offers a wealth of resources for both beginners and experienced professionals.

Envato Tuts+ features a diverse range of tutorials, covering popular software, tools, and techniques. From Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator to HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and beyond, the channel covers a wide spectrum of creative skills. The tutorials are well-structured, concise, and easy to follow, making them accessible for learners of all levels.

The New Boston

The New Boston offers a vast collection of tutorials on web design and development. With a wide range of topics covered, this channel is a valuable resource for beginners and experienced developers alike.

Bring Your Own Laptop

"Bring Your Own Laptop" is a popular YouTube channel focused on providing high-quality tutorials and courses on various aspects of web design and development. The channel, hosted by Adobe Certified Instructor Daniel Walter Scott, offers practical, hands-on tutorials using Adobe Creative Cloud applications like Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, and Dreamweaver.

With a strong emphasis on real-world projects and industry-relevant techniques, "Bring Your Own Laptop" equips viewers with the skills and knowledge needed to create professional designs and websites. The tutorials are well-structured, easy to follow, and cover a wide range of topics, from beginner-level introductions to advanced techniques.

JS Mastery

JS Mastery is a YouTube channel dedicated to helping developers master JavaScript, one of the most popular and versatile programming languages. Led by experienced instructor and developer, the channel offers a comprehensive range of tutorials, tips, and in-depth explanations to help both beginners and experienced programmers level up their JavaScript skills. From fundamental concepts to advanced topics like ES6, React, Node.js, and more, JS Mastery provides clear and concise explanations along with practical examples and projects. The channel's engaging teaching style and focus on building real-world applications make it a valuable resource for anyone looking to enhance their JavaScript proficiency and become a confident JavaScript developer. Whether you're just starting your JavaScript journey or aiming to refine your expertise, JS Mastery is your go-to channel for unlocking the full potential of this powerful language.


The SuperSimpleDev YouTube channel is a fantastic resource for developers of all levels seeking to learn and enhance their coding skills. This channel is dedicated to providing easy-to-understand tutorials and walkthroughs on a variety of programming languages, frameworks, and development concepts.

What sets SuperSimpleDev apart is its focus on simplicity and clarity. The tutorials are presented straightforwardly and concisely, making complex topics more accessible to beginners and those looking for a refresh. The channel covers a broad range of programming languages, including JavaScript, Python, HTML/CSS, and more, catering to diverse interests and needs within the development community.

Mosh Hamedani

Mosh Hamedani is a popular and highly respected instructor in the field of programming and software development. His YouTube channel, simply named "Mosh," offers a wealth of educational content for developers of all levels.

Mosh's teaching style is highly praised for its clarity, depth, and practicality. He has a talent for breaking down complex concepts into easily understandable explanations, making it easier for viewers to grasp and apply the material. His tutorials cover a wide range of topics, including programming languages (such as C#, Python, and JavaScript), web development, software architecture, and more.

Jesse Showalter

Jesse Showalter's channel offers tutorials, design critiques, and insights into the design process. Covering topics like UI/UX design, typography, and branding, Jesse's videos are informative and inspiring.


Flux, hosted by Ran Segall, focuses on UI/UX design and web design business tips. With his expertise and industry experience, Ran provides valuable advice for designers looking to improve their skills and grow their careers.

The Futur

The Futur offers videos on various design topics, including web design, branding, and entrepreneurship. With insights from industry professionals, this channel helps you develop a holistic understanding of design.

Lama Dev

Lama Dev is a popular YouTube channel hosted by Lama Abdulla, a passionate developer and content creator. The channel focuses on web development, programming, and technology-related topics. Lama Dev offers a wide range of tutorials, tips, and insights to help viewers enhance their coding skills and stay up-to-date with the latest trends in the tech industry.

Lama Abdulla has a friendly and engaging teaching style, breaking down complex concepts into understandable and actionable steps. Whether you're a beginner starting your coding journey or an experienced developer looking to expand your knowledge, Lama Dev's videos cater to all skill levels.

Dav Gray

Web Development tutorials with full courses on HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Node.js and more!

Bro Code

This channel is dedicated to providing free education to those that can't afford college, boot camps, and whatever crap coding gurus try to sell you.


These top 20 YouTube channels provide an incredible wealth of knowledge and resources for learning and practicing web design. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced designer, these channels offer tutorials, tips, and inspiration to enhance your skills and stay up-to-date with the latest trends. Dive in, explore, and take your web design journey to new heights with these valuable resources. Happy learning!

“Great web design without functionality is like a sports car with no engine.”