GitHub Nightmare: 10 Years of Code GONE in an Instant?! (Here's How to Avoid It)

GitHub Nightmare: 10 Years of Code GONE in an Instant?! (Here's How to Avoid It)

Shocking Account Suspension! My Wake-Up Call & The SAFE Alternative You NEED

Solely relying on a single platform for code storage is a risky gamble

As someone who has been an active GitHub user for the past 10 years, I recently found myself in a dilemma that has shaken my faith in the platform. On Friday 11 April, 2024, I received an email from GitHub stating that they had discovered suspicious activity on my account and required me to change my password. Dutifully, I complied, only to find that my account had been summarily suspended immediately after the password change, with no further communication from the GitHub team.


Panic set in as I realized that I had lost access to all the projects I had painstakingly built and curated over the years. The thought of having to start from scratch was overwhelming, and I quickly reached out to GitHub's customer support, but 3 days later, I'm still waiting for a response.

Why putting all your eggs in one basket is risky

This experience has made me realize the inherent risks of relying solely on a single platform like GitHub to store and manage our code repositories. While GitHub has long been the go-to choice for developers and programmers, the lack of transparency and responsiveness in handling account suspensions is a glaring issue that deserves attention.

For those whose accounts have been suspended without warning or explanation, the sense of helplessness and frustration is all too familiar. The uncertainty of whether you'll ever regain access to your projects can be crippling, and the thought of losing years of hard work is enough to make anyone's heart sink.

In light of this, I believe it's time to reconsider our approach to code storage and management. Storing your code on a single platform, no matter how reputable, is a risky proposition. Unexpected account suspensions, data breaches, or platform shutdowns can all result in the loss of your valuable work, leaving you scrambling to rebuild from scratch.

So, what's the alternative?

The solution, in my opinion, lies in adopting a multi-platform approach to code storage. By maintaining repositories on multiple platforms, such as GitLab, Bitbucket, or even self-hosted solutions, you can ensure that your code is always accessible, even in the event of an issue with one of the platforms.

GitLab stands out as a compelling alternative. Here's why:

  • Focus on Open Source: GitLab has a strong open-source ethos, which often translates to more transparent practices and a supportive community.

  • DevOps Integration: For those working on larger projects, GitLab's built-in CI/CD pipelines can streamline development workflows.

  • Self-Hosting Option: For developers seeking complete control, GitLab offers a self-hosting option, allowing you to manage your own infrastructure.

But beyond the platform, here's the real takeaway:

Always store your code repositories in more than one location. This can be through a combination of cloud-based platforms likeGitHub, GitLab or Bitbucket, alongside personal backups on local storage or another cloud service.

This approach provides a safety net. If one platform experiences an issue, your code remains accessible elsewhere.

I've spoken to several individuals who have had their GitHub accounts suspended without warning, and the consensus is clear: the lack of communication and support from GitHub is a significant pain point. Many have turned to GitLab as a safer and more reliable alternative, citing the platform's commitment to user privacy, data ownership, and responsive customer service.

Now, I want to hear from you!

Have you ever had your account suspended on GitHub, or a similar platform, for seemingly no reason? Were you able to recover your projects? Share your experiences in the comments below. Let's build a conversation about protecting our hard work and fostering a more reliable development ecosystem.


In conclusion, the suspension of my GitHub account has been a wake-up call, reminding me of the importance of diversifying our code storage strategies. Losing access to your code can be devastating. By diversifying your storage solutions and advocating for better communication from platforms, we can create a more secure and empowering environment for developers.

P.S. While GitLab is a strong contender, explore different options and choose the platform that best suits your needs and workflow. Don't let your code become a hostage to fortune!.

Cloud providers come and go, but your code is forever. Store it in multiple locations for peace of mind.